21/01/2025 10:27 AM


Business, Your Way

Why Life Insurance Is the Right Next Step for Lemonade

If you haven’t jumped on the Lemonade (NYSE: LMND) bandwagon yet, now might be a good time. The digital insurance company said that it would launch life insurance in the coming month, and that could be a huge catalyst for further sales growth.

a woman sitting on a couch: Why Life Insurance Is the Right Next Step for Lemonade

© Provided by The Motley Fool
Why Life Insurance Is the Right Next Step for Lemonade

Lemonade stock is already trading at a high valuation — 73 times sales — and it might be a target for a short squeeze. But this isn’t a dying GameStop. It’s a hugely growing company, and life insurance is the right next step. Let’s see why.

Insurance technology for a better experience

Lemonade began with homeowners and renters insurance and launched pet insurance this past July. The company said on the third-quarter conference call in November that it would launch life insurance within three months, which is coming up shortly.

a woman sitting on a couch: Young parents making a house over their daughter's head with their hands.

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Young parents making a house over their daughter’s head with their hands.

CEO Daniel Schreiber explained: “Our experience three months past launch affirmed our strategy of acquiring customers young when their needs are modest, and ensuring they get a fabulous experience with Lemonade so that as they progress through predictable life cycle events.”


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In the third quarter, for example, 12% of condo policy holders were graduates from renters insurance. When a renter with a $150 policy moves up to a homeowners policy that costs $900, Lemonade gets the extra $750 for zero acquisition cost. This is one way to increase sales without incurring customer acquisition costs.

And that’s likely to happen a lot more. The company is only four years old, and its average customer is 33 years old, the same age as the average first-time home buyer, and the average age for when college graduates have kids. Putting this all together, life insurance is a great bet for Lemonade to take on.

Gallery: The Pros and Cons of Dividend Stocks for Retirement Savings (Money Talks News)

a man wearing glasses: This story originally appeared on NewRetirement.com. There are many guidelines around how to draw down your savings in retirement (the 4% rule, the multiply-by-25 rule), but what if you don’t have to spend your savings? You can generate retirement income with dividend stocks, and in a world where savings accounts produce less than a 1% return, dividends can provide a steady stream of cash without having to dip into your principal. Most retirement savings strategies tell you to invest in stocks when you’re young and bonds when you get close to retirement. For example, the “rule of 100” says you should subtract your age from 100 and the answer is how much you should invest in stocks. So if you’re 25, 75% of your money should go into stocks and 25% should go into bonds. And when you’re 55, 45% of your money should go to stocks and just over half should go to bonds. But these rules make a lot of assumptions, most of them based on investing wisdom from the 1980s. One assumption is that stocks are a lot riskier than bonds and that bonds offer steady income rather than just gaining in value. In reality, over the last 30 years, stocks have become a lot less risky for retail investors who are able to invest in funds that own stocks in a diversified portfolio. And because governments all over the world have been printing money to contain the 2008 Great Recession and the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, the yield on bonds — the cash income you get for holding them — has dropped to nearly nothing.  It’s not the usual blah, blah, blah. Click here to sign up for our free newsletter. Sponsored: Earn $40 in less than 30 seconds Earn extra money by using Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates) — a site that gets you cash back at more than 2,500 stores. As a bonus for joining Rakuten, you’ll earn $40 when you sign up using our link and spend at least $40 shopping online through Rakuten within the first 90 days. Start earning cash back and claim a free $40 bonus today.

Why Lemonade can do it better

Lemonade COO Shai Winninger pointed out that other insurance companies have struggled to make digital term life insurance work economically, and Lemonade is going ahead with the project despite its own uncertainty. But he said there were two factors that weigh in its favor. First, traditional insurance companies are starting digital from scratch. Lemonade already has a complete digital infrastructure, which it can easily scale to include new products. Second, Lemonade has a million customers in early lifestyle stages that it can market the product to for free. This means Lemonade has very little to lose by introducing life insurance, but the potential upside could be huge.

The term-life insurance market is valued at $800 billion and is expected to grow by more than 10% annually compounded over the next decade. Lemonade can take a big bite out of that.

Winninger noted that Lemonade prefers to operate through uncertainty and get rid of bad bets when data becomes available. This gives it the best chance of making the highest returns, even though it also comes with volatility. That’s a really important quality in a growth company.

Lemonade envisions offering whatever types of insurance its customers need, moving from pet to life to car and so on. If the past can tell us anything about the future, Lemonade will keep disrupting the insurance industry, launching new products and entering new markets. In the third quarter ended Sept. 30, 2020, in-force premium (IFP), or the average aggregate premium, increased 99%. IFP for renters graduating to homeowners increased 300%.

Lemonade’s appetite for risk means it can keep innovating and taking on what works. Lemonade has a bright future, and life insurance is only the next step. 

Jennifer Saibil has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Lemonade, Inc. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.


10 stocks we like better than Lemonade, Inc.

When investing geniuses David and Tom Gardner have a stock tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*

David and Tom just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Lemonade, Inc. wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

See the 10 stocks


*Stock Advisor returns as of November 20, 2020


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