05/02/2025 9:50 AM


Business, Your Way

What are gold predictions for 2023 by the World Gold Council?

A stable gold market will make it a strategic asset in 2023 - World Gold  Council - Business News

It is always interesting to know what the predictions are for 2023. Especially when it comes to the gold price and gold production for the year. Especially when it comes from professionals at the World Gold Council. People that are looking for cash for gold Melbourne should know what is going on in the business world and needs to know what the predictions of gold for 2023 are.

During 2022

Having a look at the gold price and gold news from 2022. Firstly, the gold price was really low during the first part of 2022. In January 2022 the gold price was around $1 800 and around July the price of gold was down to $1 700 per ounce.  However, from November to December 2022, the gold price increased from $1 800 to $1 900. Showing a good increase in the value of gold.

The first part of 2023 is still showing a climb in the gold price and everyone is now starting to sell their gold products, and gold jewellery to gold buyer stores. The gold price is now higher than it ever was before. Making gold a great investment.

Predictions for 2023

What is the World Gold Council predicting for the gold price during 2023? Will the price of gold increase or decrease again to a much lower number? Especially now that China is back in trading gold after the 2020 Covid pandemic? Now the gold price is hovering over $2 000 per ounce and the prediction is that this will stay this way for a couple of weeks.

Then, depending on the markets, especially with China back trading, the gold price can start declining again. It is hard to make any predictions correctly because no one knows what 2023 will hold. But, at the moment the gold price is steady and higher than what it ever was, making it now the time to sell your gold and gold jewellery.

Selling gold jewellery

With the gold price so impressive, it is now the right time to search for gold jewellery that you don’t use anymore. By selling this jewellery you will get a large sum of money per ounce. And, if you are selling it to gold buyer stores in your area, you might even get a bit more than the official gold price. This is because of the high demand for gold.

You need to know the purity of your gold jewellery, the value of your gold, and the weight of the jewellery before you sell it. These influence what you are going to be paid for it.

World Gold Council can make predictions on the gold price because of their knowledge and experience in studying the gold price and the markets. With the gold price increasing at the moment, they predict that it can rise some more before it will become steady again. This is why if you look to get cash for gold Melbourne, you should sell now to gold buyer stores in your area. You will get a great sum of money for something useless like broken gold jewellery.

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