October 22, 2024


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How to be a good storyteller

How to be a good storyteller

How to become a good storyteller?

The first step to becoming a good storyteller is to believe that a good storyteller is made. Not born!

Regardless of the subject at hand or the storyteller’s experiences, universal aspects may be found in each excellent narrative. The following tips cover all aspects of delivering a good narrative, including story structure, public speaking skills, and even body language.

Those who share a little of themselves with their audiences via storytelling are far more likely to strike a chord than those who keep their cards close. Intriguing oneself in another person’s life narrative is inherent to the human condition. Consider which story would hit you the most, a rocket scientist telling the story of how he completed the mission to Mars or a person in a similar situation like yours telling how he got past that situation successfully?

  1. Write it out:

It is a good storytelling technique to write down what you want to say before you tell a story aloud. Creating a written outline or notes with bullet points might be helpful for this. If this is your first time, write your whole story in complete sentences before delivering your speech. Make sure you only spend part of the time staring at your notes. In time, you may feel more at ease with improvising while delivering stories. However, being over-prepared is better if you’re new to storytelling. A written account of your experience might serve as the basis for a longer work of fiction, such as a book, novel, or short story.

  1. Edit to make your story more detailed:

When you continue to work on a story, you will often find that you need to remove more and more of what’s already there. The best storytellers know that only some details are essential, even those that seem engaging at the story’s beginning. So stick to what’s important and throw out everything else. If you get too mired down in the specifics of your narrative, you’ll lose your audience’s interest. So instead, focus on the main points, and leave the rest.

Ensure that each segment of your story has at least one key point if you deliver a non-fiction story intending to make a point. This maintains the interest of the listeners. Skilled storytellers will know what they want their audience to take away from their story, and they will make sure compelling anecdotes and thought-provoking closing remarks bookend those two points. They pack the area between these two central plot sections more succinctly, guaranteeing the story’s success.

  1. Introduce surprises:

Like best fiction authors, the finest public presenters never want their audience to get into a comfortable routine while listening to them talk. In most cases, members of an audience form preconceived notions about how the events of a story will play out; yet, if those notions are confirmed, those members of the audience are likely to become disinterested and zone out. As the storyteller, it is your responsibility to prevent such a stupor. Thus, include a plot twist or alternative plotline in your narratives. Then, when you come to the unexpected section of the story, you will be able to draw the audience’s attention back.

  1. Step out of your comfort zone:

When attempting to develop new stories, even the most experienced storytellers may find themselves returning to familiar territory. As a result, you’ll need to take some chances to improve your writing and narrative. Try your hand at writing stories in a variety of styles. 

Do you always base your stories on actual events? 

You can imagine something. Alternately, you may switch from the traditional third-person (omniscient) narrator’s voice to the first-person (first-person) representative of your primary character halfway through the novel. One of the most vital talents of a great storyteller is versatility, so take advantage of any chances you must show it off.

Keep in mind that “practice makes perfect.” It takes time and practice to develop the skills necessary to become a competent storyteller, much less a great one. However, if you put in the effort, you will see a rapid improvement in your abilities.

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