October 16, 2024


Business, Your Way

10 Powerful Mobile Apps For ECommerce Businesses Today

10 Powerful Mobile Apps For ECommerce Businesses Today

If you are an eCommerce entrepreneur, you have to have your phone with you at all times. It is the most important tool for staying on top of your business, from managing your social media marketing to quickly finding the best deals on products you could resell to your customers. 

So, if you aren’t using these mobile apps for eCommerce yet, get them now. They’ll help you run your business like a pro, no matter where you are or what time it is!

1. Shopify

If you are an eCommerce entrepreneur in the mobile space, Shopify mobile app is a must-have.

With Shopify mobile app for iOS and Android, you can do everything from updating your product inventory to running promotions. Plus, it is the only way to access your Shopify dashboard from a mobile device!


Shopify mobile app features:

  • View sales, stats, and traffic reports from anywhere at anytime
  • Create and manage products, orders, and customers all from your phone
  • Invite employees to view or edit store details or customer information
  • Get notified about abandoned carts and new leads
  • Monitor inventory levels and place reorders
  • Keep up with messages from your shoppers as well as social media feeds

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you understand how people use your website, find out what they like, and find opportunities to make improvements.

You can even set up goals in Google Analytics. Goals are helpful because they tell you when users have completed an important task or conversion point on your site (i.e., when they purchase something). 

By setting up goals in Google Analytics and tracking them over time, you’ll get a sense of what kind of content resonates with your customers and where there may be opportunities for improvement. 

Google Analytics

Google Analytics mobile app features:

  • See your company’s performance at any given moment
  • Generate reports on the go by using the mobile app dashboard, which offers the same great tools as the desktop dashboard

3. Buffer

We’ve all been there: You are scrolling through your Facebook feed or Twitter timeline when suddenly you see something that feels like a great fit for your business.

But before you get too excited about sharing it with your followers, you remember the countless other times this has happened—and every time you shared an enticing post with the wrong timing, it felt like throwing water in a well-oiled machine. If only we could be sure that we were posting at the optimal time!


Thankfully, Buffer is here to save us from ourselves. Buffer is an app and web-based software designed to help you share content on social media in the best way possible, depending on when your audience is most active online. 

With its iOS and Android apps, marketers can schedule posts ahead of time so they don’t miss any of their target market’s open hours; choose how many posts to send out per day, and organize by priority what needs to be posted first (keeping their audience engaged and informed). 

No more hitting send prematurely and missing out on one of those valuable shares—Buffer will do it for you! The company makes it easy to manage multiple social media accounts while still giving the appearance that you are spending plenty of quality time on each individual account.

There are also preloaded campaigns and custom URL-shortening options that can make managing your marketing efforts even easier. 


Buffer app features:

  • Set up a list of articles, videos, and other information to share
  • Add them as boards to view them all at once when it is time to share
  • Schedule posts in advance so you don’t have to spend time logging into your account multiple times per day

4. Keyword Planner

Keyword Planner is a great way to see what keywords are popular for searches in Google. It is also a great way to find out what the competition is doing by looking at their search traffic and what they rank for. It is undoubtedly a fantastic tool that shows how popular certain words are over time. 

For example, if you type in “pizza”, it will show you that there was an increase in the popularity of pizza between January and February of 2022. This can be helpful if you want to figure out the best time to release your content or when your customers might be most receptive to your marketing messages. Additionally, this is a good way to track seasonal trends so you know what people want year-round. 

Tools like these make data collection easier than ever and they are just some of the mobile commerce apps every eCommerce entrepreneur should have on their phone.

Keyword Planner mobile app features:

  • Find keywords for your website
  • Choose the right tags for your videos
  • Target the right keywords
  • Test the website if it is mobile-friendly
  • Check if your website has a sitemap
  • Check pages that have been indexed by Google

5. Helium 10

A platform designed to help eCommerce store owners succeed, Helium 10 is an app for the modern entrepreneur. The app provides customers with a personal concierge that can assist in product research and real-time shipping quotes for any item they want. 

As if this wasn’t enough, Helium 10 also offers exclusive pricing discounts on products sold by its partner stores. If you’re looking for a deal and aren’t sure where to start, this app could be just what you need. 

Users of Helium 10 are connected with deals from their favourite retailers as well as ones they’ve never heard of before. One of the benefits of using Helium 10 is that users never have to leave the app to purchase something.

With just a few taps, users can add anything from shoes to makeup straight into their cart without even leaving their couch!

Helium 10

Helium 10 mobile app features:

  • Track how well your content is performing
  • Learn what keywords are converting into sales
  • Monitor competitor keywords and activities 
  • Discover the domain names most likely to convert into sales 
  • Automatically route customers from Twitter ads back to your product pages

6. PrettyMerch for Merch by Amazon 

PrettyMerch for Merch by Amazon is a must-have for any eCommerce entrepreneur who wants to grow their sales. With this app, you can make your products available on the hottest online marketplace in the world – Amazon. 

It helps you create listings, monitor pricing and inventory, edit photos, and much more! Plus, you don’t need any prior experience with merchandising or listing management. It’s that easy! 

From high-quality photography of your items to make sure everything looks beautiful on Amazon, the process is simple and streamlined. The best part? When you sell something from SellerBot, you’ll see all of the commission paid out right there in real-time.

Sellerbot Merch mobile app features: 

  • Marketplaces supported: Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, and Amazon Germany 
  • Get a glimpse of the details of your products without leaving the app

7. Keepa

This mobile commerce app is perfect for keeping track of what products are selling the best in your store. It is also great for scanning items to see if they are worth buying. It is a must-have for anyone who sells products online! 

If you have an inventory tracker, but don’t have time to manually update it each day, Keepa can do it for you. For example, let’s say you’ve been out at an event all day and by the time you get back home, you realize that there were many more people in your store than normal and want to know how much money was made today.

With Keepa, all you need to do is open up the app and scan the barcodes of every item sold (or just one specific item) and it will tell you how much money was made from those items today.

Keepa mobile app features:

  • Keep track of sales and monitor competitors
  • Keep track of your competitor’s best-performing products and analyze their prices so that you can price your own products better
  • View extensive product information
  • Receive price drop alerts 
  • Search for profitable Amazon products

8. Mailchimp

Email marketing is one of the best ways to keep your customers engaged. But the problem today is that many consumers disregard emails coming from business owners thinking that they’re spam or contain threats like the vzwpix.com email virus. 

Fret not because, with a reliable email marketing platform, it will be easy to create campaigns that don’t look spammy but rather enticing. One reliable email marketing platform is Mailchimp.

A Mailchimp account is a great way to manage and send out email campaigns as it has a lot of helpful features such as Autoresponders and an easy-to-use campaign builder. The best part about Mailchimp is that it is free for up to 500 contacts per month.

If you are not already using this app, download it now.


Mailchimp mobile app features:

  • Works with Gmail so all you need is an email address and password to get started
  • Can be linked to your Facebook page to import contacts into the system automatically!
  • The link-building tool also helps find more contacts on other websites like Twitter, LinkedIn, or even YouTube
  • Build lists and send emails quickly

9. Gumroad

Gumroad lets you sell physical goods, digital downloads, and services without any upfront cost or a monthly fee, so it is really low-cost to get started with this one. 

For example, if someone has a blog that they want to monetize with an online course or membership site, Gumroad can help them do that without spending anything upfront or getting locked into any monthly payments by just having one big sale every once in a while (or continuously!).

You can get paid over $500 just by selling your products on Gumroad because they take care of all the payment processing, and there are no limits on how much you can sell as long as it is legal in the United States.


Gumroad mobile app features:

  • Track daily, monthly, and real-time sales
  • Real-time alerts for sales
  • A wide community of sellers
  • Download a copy of your sales reports anytime

10. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a mobile app that connects to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+, in addition to your RSS feed and YouTube channel. It allows you to post, respond to messages, search through content and monitor your networks in real time.

Hootsuite even has a free web browser version so you can easily manage your social media from any device with an Internet connection.

Hootsuite mobile app features:

  • Upload photos and videos directly from your phone
  • Review and edit post drafts
  • See your content calendar any time you want
  • Monitor conversations related to your niche
  • Review and respond to messages from social networks

Bonus Mobile Apps for eCommerce

Aside from these ten mobile eCommerce apps, there are many other great mobile apps for eCommerce businesses that are worth downloading to ensure you don’t miss anything. These mobile commerce apps include:

  • HubSpot – This app sends you weekly emails with ideas and inspiration to help you stay motivated.
  • Square – This is the app you will use to accept credit card payments from your customers. It is all-in-one, so you can not only swipe cards but also manage your inventory and view reports. 
  • Google Drive – You are going to need this one since it helps keep all of your important documents secure and easily accessible no matter where you are or what device you’re using. A free version includes 15GB of storage while paid versions start at 100 GB. 
  • Aircall –  It allows you to take or make calls with high-quality sound while being on the go. It also integrates with Salesforce, Mailchimp, and other essential apps so that no time gets wasted switching back and forth between them. 

Succeed in Your eCommerce Business With These Mobile Commerce Apps!

Choosing to start your own eCommerce business can seem like a daunting prospect if you’ve never done it before, but it is not as difficult or complicated as many people make it out to be. Many other entrepreneurs have done this, and you can benefit from the wisdom they gleaned from their successes and their business mistakes. 

And if you are running an eCommerce business, you know it can be hard to juggle the needs of your customers, employees, and vendors all while keeping yourself organized and on top of things. The mobile apps for eCommerce above will help you get the job done with less stress on your mind, body and wallet!

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